Two Supplements of Note for Autism

I am doing a normalization and update of data on Microbiome Prescription. There are many items to review and items that have been reviewed have { } in their name. The pattern is:

  • Scientific Name
  • {Common Name}
  • Other Information

and not reviewed (YET)

So far in this review, I have come across two substances (more likely to come) where there has been many or interesting studies for Autism


This is found in broccoli sprouts,cauliflower, kale, cole crops, cabbage, collards, mustard, and cress


and more studies


Studies from US National Library of Medicine

Furthermore, it has been reported that most infant formulas are contaminated with glyphosate. One study reported levels between 0.03 mg kg−1 and 1.08 mg kg−1. This could potentially further exacerbate the problem of Bifidobacterium reduction in the infant gut.” This may be a factor for increasing Autism and ADHD rates.

Impact of glyphosate (RoundupTM) on the composition and functionality of the gut microbiome

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