Help Needed to Improve Suggestions for Autism.

I am working with a startup and create a demo report exploring one of the features they want to consider on their pending offering. The draft feature used brain trauma as a test case. This caused me to think of Autism.

The draft report is designed to be a document to be used by Medical Doctors and to educate them on the latest studies.

All data contributed will be freely available for personal use on Microbiome Prescription, in keeping with its open data policy.

Example Report

Example for a (real) person with Autism, OCD and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Bacteria Identification

The person’s sample is examined and compared to the literature

Validated Suggestions

There are suggestions that the literature reports that some people in studies improved taking.

Not Validated Suggestions

These are items that will improved the microbiome but do not have any studies for them being tested with brain trauma / Autism. Conceptually, some researchers should conduct trials with them.

How Can You Help

We need to get a comprehensive list of items that help autism. This means YOU DOING RESEARCH, FILL OUT A SPREADSHEET and then send to me Ken@lassesen

How to do it

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