A reader passed me a link to an article published on May 23, 2020 which was very interesting.
Dysbiosis of Gut Fungal Microbiota in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders, J Autism Dev Disorders , 2020 May 23. doi: 10.1007/s10803-020-04543-y.
” Among the 507 genera identified, Saccharomyces and Aspergillus showed significant differences between ASD (59.07%) and Control (40.36%), indicating that they may be involved in the abnormal gut fungal community structure of ASD. When analyzed at the species level, a decreased abundance in Aspergillus versicolor was observed while Saccharomyces cerevisiae was increased in children with ASD relative to controls. “
The implication are simple:
- Do not supplement with any Saccharomyces probiotics. Check carefully any probiotics that you use to insure there is none
- Supplement with Aspergillus probiotics. There is one that I know of (and use). It is from Japan and called Strong Wakamoto. It consists of:
I have been in recent discussion with a Ph.D. researching aspergillus oryzae because it frees up a lot of nutrients in food. There are over 3000 studies citing aspergillus, for example:
Bottom Line
This is based on a report of a distinctive shift. Conceptually, Wakamoto would complete with Saccharomyces, reducing their numbers and altering the microbiome. There are no clinical studies done. Wakamoto is deemed safe and has been in use for a very long time in Japan.

Hi Ken, my little boy was doing really well once we got rid of his cdiff and his doctor prescribed sacc B afterwards. he has been on a sliding scale downwards since and developed extremely high levels of prevotella copri. he immediately starting OCD behaviours and in his own world and I was told to persist with the sacc boulardi because it was likely die off fungal (which i did for a few weeks) but I’m sure it gave him fungal issues instead. He really hasn’t;t been doing well despite my efforts to lower his copri. Do you think its plausible that the sacc boulradi added to his fungal load and therefore also fed his copri? is a sacc boulardi fungal load treated like any other fungus ie caprylic acid etc. Does this product help to reduce sacc boulardi species?
Looking at https://microbiomeprescription.com/library/details?taxon=165179
we find that saccharomyces boulardii (probiotics) DOES INCREASE prevotella copri in some studies. In other studies, it decreases… so it is a risky treatment
To reduce P.C. see the same page
I just found your blog during a bout of insomnia. Love it! I’ll have to poke around more. (If you visit my blog you will see why I am enchanted with yours).
In 2008 I tried a diet for my toddler’s GI issues. I had tried the GFCF diet with no results. Then ran across the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. It sounded so restrictive at the time but my son had GI issues since birth. (Severe reflux and constipation). It turned out to be a good choice for both of us. Recently, after a gene analysis, we would find out why. Many of his autism symptoms dramatically improved and by the time we got our appointment with the developmental pediatrician he was talking, jumping, climbing, interacting with us (from a complete loss of eye contact before the diet). So his dx was PDD-NOS.
I will note that he had gut issues since birth but no signs of ASD and highly social. Then we moved (18 Mo’s of age) and he was always sick, several rounds of antibiotics, and major regression and loss of acquired development. The house we moved in was old and had those freestanding gas heaters. I was so tired in that house but I wouldn’t make the carbon monoxide connection until years later. We lived in that house for 9 months. I tried the diet the SCD following year.
Around that time I had also ran across something called ASCA, which is anti Saccharomyces Cerevisiea autoantibodies. I had suffered years with throat and mouth ulcers. My son was prone to large mouth ulcers as a tot, so I teased out that we likely had this. Turns out we did, a long with other markers for Crohn’s and Celiac.
Recently I ran our raw data from ancestry.com through Promethease.com ($12) and we have multiple genes for Crohn’s. Of note, the FUT2 non secretor gene (for him) which affects bifido bacteria. We both have the NOD2 gene that is high for Crohn’s. There is also research on shared genes with IBD and autism.
I would highly recommend this type of gene check for anyone with persistent gut issues. It might help target diet and supplements. We have MTHFR folate issues too.
Here is an interesting article on Saccharomyces
The Sweet and Sour of Baking Yeast